As the internet swells with information, we increasingly come to rely on curation protocols to discover worthwhile information.
In an age of information abundance, how can researchers curate value for others?
Society's default knowledge-curator is, arguably, Google Search, subjecting & standardizing our knowledge-seeking to a PageRank algorithm with priorities I wouldn't align with wisdom. Now, I'm glad Google Search exists. But standardizing knowledge-seeking will starve it.
We need better, decentralized knowledge-curation protocols. This research garden is just one node in what may bloom into a vast network, each node providing a unique sampling of their own discoveries, subject to no standardized rubric of value beyond the researchers
If we share interests, you might enjoy having a look around. Select filters you're like to learn more about, & you'll get 'search results' from my own personal research history. Books, essays, podcasts, videos, even Twitter threads - anything I've found formative in learning more, I'll include in these categories.